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Where to Stay in Osaka: Umeda, Namba, Shinsekai Area Guide

Are you contemplating a trip to Osaka? Or maybe Osaka is already on your list of places to visit. …

Basic knowledge Hotel/Business hotel


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines”
Series: Imazatosuji Line

Welcome to Along the Osaka Metro Lines series which showcases the characteristics and …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
Sennichimae Line (East)

Along the Osaka Metro Lines Series showcases the characteristics of Osaka Metro’s seven …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
Sennichimae Line (West)

Welcome to the fifth issue of “Along the Osaka Metro Line” series where you can …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
New Tram

The fourth line introduced in Along the Osaka Metro Line Series that introduces …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
The Midosuji Line (South)

Following the last article about the northern part of the Midosuji Line (Namba …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
The Midosuji Line (North)

In 1933, the first public subway in Japan and the first subway ever in Osaka …

Basic knowledge Transportation


“Along the Osaka Metro Lines” Series:
The Cho Line (East)

In the last issue of the series featuring Osaka Metro’s nine lines and the famous …

Basic knowledge Transportation


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