Osaka Metro NiNE’s top 10 most popular articles

The 10 Most Popular Articles in 2021♪



Written by: Osaka Metro NiNE(Osaka Metro NiNE)

● Osaka Metro NiNE: Looking Back on 2021

Happy New Year!
Last year in Japan, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were held in July after a year of waiting whilst the spread of the new coronavirus variants that put the world in a spiral of worries. The power of sport touched many of us and the fierce competition among the world’s top athletes was inspiring.
We also experienced a life under stay-at-home requests with the emergency declaration in Osaka but, today, the increase in the vaccination rate is slowing down the spread of the coronavirus. With careful measures to prevent the COVID-19 spreads at the forefront of our minds, Osaka’s popular sightseeing spots—such as Dotonbori and Osaka Castle—are starting to regain the bustle with domestic visitors.

At Osaka Metro NiNE, we celebrated a new addition to our site in 2021 with the launch of the Thai language pages—the 6th language of the site—on September 17 and commemorated our second anniversary on September 18.
Our progress would not have been possible without the warm support from our followers. THANK YOU!!
We’d like to begin 2021 with Osaka Metro NiNE fans’ favorite articles, announcing the top 10 most popular articles that were published between January and December of 2021.

● The Top 3 Travel Articles

Let’s dive right in and look at the top 3!

No. 1
Visit Real Life Locations of Anime Film, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, with Osaka Metro – Part 1

Josee, the Tiger and the Fish was released in Japan 2020 and other parts of the world (including Taiwan, South Korea, U.K., the United States, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) in 2021. As the story is based in Osaka, the popular anime film is filled with detailed depictions of Osaka’s streets and neighborhoods. In this most popular article, Manju from Nepal takes Osaka Metro to make the anime pilgrimage and visit the real life locations of the film.

No. 2
What is Wagashi?
A Guide to Traditional Japanese Sweets

Here’s a tribute to Japan’s proud culinary culture. The article introduces the history of traditional Japanese sweets, Wagashi, and introduces the popular varieties. Learn about Daifuku (mochi with sweet bean filling), Dango (sticky dumplings), Manju (steamed buns) and other popular Wagashi, and enjoy the tradition of sweets that dates back more than 2,000 years.

No. 3
#TravelThruPhotos The Best Views of Osaka on Osaka Metro: Osaka at Night

Food and shopping may be the top attraction of Osaka, but the city has much more to offer, like beautiful views and sceneries, especially at night. Find out what spots around Osaka City made the top 8 night view spots of Osaka on Osaka Metro NiNE’s Instagram. Enjoy the spectacular views of the city and beyond☆彡

● Another Year of Osaka Stories♪

Did you see any of your favorites?
Osaka Metro NiNE offers many more articles, all full of valuable information for traveling in Osaka.
Search our articles for what to do and where to go in Osaka and find out what international travelers experience in this exciting city!

We sincerely hope the situation gets better and we can welcome you safely in Osaka soon♪
In the meantime, Osaka Metro NiNE will continue to send you fun articles about Osaka’s best sights and hidden gems in 2022 and look forward to connecting with you further.
Thank you for your continued support!